What to Do After a Slip and Fall Accident

Slip and Fall

What to Do After a Slip and Fall Accident

Whether a slip and fall accident is caused by ice or snow, a wet floor or other slippery situation, property owners have a legal responsibility to keep their premises safe for visitors. If you have been injured on someone’s property, you may be entitled to compensation for damages. There are a few simple steps you can take to protect your rights after slip and fall accidents.

Steps to Take After a Fall

Seek Medical Attention. The severity of injuries is not always apparent when an accident occurs, so it is imperative to receive medical treatment immediately.

Take notes and photographs. Check out the area and jot down the details of what you observe and what happened. Taking pictures of the premises and the area where you fell provide tangible proof of dangerous conditions.

Get names and contact information of witnesses. Ask anyone who may have witnessed your injury for their name and phone number. Even if someone did not see you fall, he or she may be able to describe the area and what caused the dangerous conditions. If the property or business owner is not present, make sure to get his or her name and contact information as well.

Get a copy of the incident report. Businesses often create incident reports for falls that occur on their property. Provide succinct, factual answers if you are asked what happened. Do not say anything that could indicate fault on your part and ask for a copy of the incident report before you leave.

Do not provide a statement to the insurance company. The top concern of insurers is to persuade you to settle your claim immediately. After a slip and fall accident, a claims adjuster will contact you to get more information about the incident and your injuries. Do not give any statements or sign any documents without speaking to your attorney.

Contact a slip and fall accident attorney. An experienced attorney can assess your case and help you determine the best course of action to take. He or she can deal with insurance adjusters, opposing counsel, gather evidence and consult with the medical professionals who are treating your injuries.

Make sure to provide your lawyer with all documentation regarding your slip and fall accident, including photographs, names and contact information of witnesses, proof of lost wages from your employer, the incident report and all medical reports, bills and receipts for any out-of-pocket costs you incurred as a result of the accident.

Skilled Personal Injury Attorneys Can Help with Slip and Fall Accidents

If you need help with settlement negotiations or taking your case to trial, the experienced legal team at Thomas, Conrad & Conrad can help get you the compensation you deserve. For more information or to schedule a free consultation, contact us at one of our Lehigh Valley offices today.


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